The Project for
Human Resource
Development Scholarship

JDS - Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship


TopPhilippines › Apply Now

Apply Now

Steps to Apply

Download the Application Guideline and Application Documents

Download password will be required - fill out a password request form by clicking "Download" below, then a password to download documents will be appeared on your screen.

download Download
A. Application Guideline
B. Application Documents
  1. Short Essays
  2. Reference Letter
  3. Research Plan

※To download all application documents, please click here.

Prepare the required documents

Refer to Application Guidelines, and make sure to prepare all the required documents in appropriate file format.

Access the Online Application System

Complete your application by filling out the necessary information and uploading the required documents.

Online Application System
* If you cannot access the online application system, or you have any problem filling out the form, please contact JICE JDS Project Office. ()
* Once you submit your application, you will not be allowed to modify it.
Receive an E-mail
[Submission Succeeded]
You will receive a confirmation email.
[Submission Failed]
You will receive an error message - please contact JICE JDS Project Office () immediately, and make sure to complete your application before the deadline.
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